Got into piss play young?

Wondering if anyone else got into piss play at a young age. I was around 10 to when I first got into piss play. I have enjoyed it ever since. Wondering if I’m alone or if it is common to discover wet fun young.

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I got into it around that age. I used piss as lube and would jerk off using piss and spit. I liked the taste and now I love it all :stuck_out_tongue:

I knew from the time I was young that I was interested in it, and certainly from the time I reached puberty. I used to see how often I could get away with wetting myself whether it was my underwear or my pants or my bed. I thought for years that I was the only person with this interest.

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I was about 7 or 8 and shared a bed with my year older brother. He was a bed wetter so slept on a rubber sheet and blanket. I remember waking up after he was gone and smelling and licking the wet blanket. Some later i’d fell my squirt gun with my piss and squirt it in my mouth.


Nice too.bad your brother didn’t share your interest in piss fun, could have been nice to get a drink from his tap.

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this happened to me too. For a couple years, on weekends we had to sleep at a babysitters house and there was only one bed for me and my younger brother. I was 12 and he was 10. He was a bed wetter. At first it would really aggravate me. Every morning waking up soaked. I complained to my mom and babysitter but nothing changed. After a while though I started to feel different about it. Not sure why but I would lie awake waiting for it to happen and at that time I was starting to discover the joys of fondling my tiny penis. I played with it till I would feel him pee. It became euphoric for me…feeling the warm wetness. I started to associate the piss with feeling of pleasure as I stroked myself. after a while I told my brother he had to sleep without pajamas. He wore only his lil superman briefs. I would cuddle with him so that when he pissed it would be closer to my skin and feel that warmth and the smell became intoxicating for me. I would roll in it getting myself soaked. eventually I was able to start ejaculating shortly after getting wet with his golden liquid. He never knew what was happening. But to this day I remember and that’s why I an absolute piss whore. Would love to hear about others with similar stories.

I was really young as well probably about the same age 9 or 10. I started by pissing on stuff then one day I thought why don’t I just piss my pants Did it felt good Then I would go to my grandparents they would go to bed early. I would lay a paper towel on the floor And piss all over myself I still do it to this day actually, I’m gonna do it tonight as well