Info on Urine Therapy


Benefit Of Drinking Your Urine First thing In the Morning on Empty Stomach

(This therapy has work for many who have Eye problems like Apollo and Convulsion )
Urine therapy consists of two parts: internal appication (drinking urine) and external application (massaging with urine). Both aspects complement each other and are important for optimal results. The basic principle of urine therapy is therefore quite simple: you drink and massage yourself with urine.

★★Urine Therapy Called (AUT) What Does It Mean? ★★It Means Auto Urine Therapy

According To Chinese And Indian Practice. Chronic Diseases Are Best Cured Drinking One’s Early Morning Urine.

This Practice is Gaining Popularity Worldwide
Former Prime Minister of India Morarji Desai, Who Lived up To The Age of 99 Was The Most Popular Person Who Practiced AUT.

During Interview on TV, The Wife of German Former President Openly Admitted That When Everything Failed She Cured Her Disease With AUT.

What is AUT. Auto Urine Therapy? Is a Practice of Drinking Your Own First Urine First Thing In The Morning on Empty Stomach. This Practice Is Very Controversial Worldwide.

Some Say It Contains Amino Acids. Others Say In Early Morning Urine You Will Get The Best Vitamins and Minerals Your Body Needs.

Dr. B.V. Khare. An Allopatic Doctor Who Based in Mumbai India Who Loved AUT Says. QUOTE. An Italian Surgeon Stanislau R. Burzynski who Lives In USA Separated Antineoplaston From Human Urine and Showed Remarkable Result in The Treatment of Cancer. Unqote.

Another Substance Found in Urine in Large Quantity is Called Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). It Is A Hormone Related To Testosterone. This According To Research Can Kill Cancer Cells, And Other Related Diseases.

An Ayurvedic Doctor sayUrine Can Cure Serious Tooth Problems.

How to start urine therapy
:white_check_mark:rub it first on your skin and see the effect Before drinking urine, smell and rub it to nose first to make sure the smell.
:white_check_mark:People who used to drink urine said that the smell and the taste of urine is not that bad, the taste is salty and savory.
:white_check_mark:Morning urine is rich in many vital substances.
:white_check_mark:Collect the middle stream of your own urine which you produce in the morning.
:white_check_mark:This is best urine to drink and it is sterile to be consumed.
:white_check_mark:Don’t take urine at the last part because it contains some sediment and has no value.
:white_check_mark:Urine which produced one hour after is eating is also consider as best.
:white_check_mark:after drinking urine balance your urine therapy with consuming fruit and vegetable

Benefits of urine therapy

  1. Prevent from bacterial infection

Urine contains some amount antibodies and immune substances which protect the body from several bacteria infection that may attack our body. Its mean that you can cure disease that caused by bacteria by rub it on the skin or drinking it.

  1. Cure fungal infection on skin

Certain types of fungi can expand and causing several health problem to your body especially fungal infection on skin.

  1. Prevent from viral infection

Virus is one of best pathogen which can cause serious health problem to human. Some disease which trigger by viral infection such as hepatitis, flu and etc can be cure by urine therapy. The antibody contained in urine may suppress the viral infection and help to cure it.

  1. Prevent allergy

Allergy is a case that people may build certain reaction that may bother body function and further can causing anaphylaxis. Drinking urine is also believe to treat allergy since urine contain some substances such as antibody which can prevent the body to develop allergen and rise the allergic symptom. There is no one reported that drinking urine can cause allergy because urine cant promote allergy at all.

  1. Cure the symptom of autoimmune disease

Autoimmune disease is a disorder of immune system which the immune cell consume the healthy tissue of the body and causing several disease such as arthritis. By drinking urine, people belived that they can cure the symptom and based on experience of some people, it is effective to reduce joint pain and minimize the reaction of immune cells.

  1. Prevent hair loss

According to a book “Guide of Urine Therapy “ rubbing urine on scalp can promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. Urine can also be mixed with potato starch to provide this function.

  1. Cure acne and other skin problem

Urine contain anti-bacterial properties which can cure acne. Most acne is caused by the infection of P. Acne bacteria and urine can get rid of this bacteria from skin.

  1. Fight cancer

It is maybe the most unbelievable health benefits of urine therapy. People believed that drinking urine reduce the risk of developing cancer.A study which conducted in 1970 and 1980 by a professor of internal medicine, Evangelos Danopoulos has done some treatment to cure cancer patient. It is reported that urine therapy can kill the cancer cells and inhibit cancer cells grouping and proliferation.

  1. Cleanse the blood circulation

Urine is made up its 95% part with water and contain less mineral and salt. Urine is not considered as toxic and it can help the body to cleanse blood same as pure water. Some people who may experiences survival condition with lack of water is suggested to drink the urine.the salt contained in urine is also attach to toxic subtance and bring it out from the body.

  1. Promotes healthy heart

Urine contains an enzyme which called as urokinase. This enzyme can inhibit arteries or blood vessels blocking which is caused by accumulation of bad fat. Urokinase also strengthen heart and blood vessels function and it is consider as a safe way to maintain healthy heart. Urokinase is also extracted from urine and some factory produce medicine by such ingredients.

  1. Relieve sting and burning wound

You may ever heard about people who get sting by bee, jelly fish or sting ray. People used to rub the wound of the sting with urine if they don’t finf any other antiseptic around them. The anti-inflammation effect of urine can help the body to remove pain caused by sting and heal it faster. Urine is also effective to relieve wound which caused by burn.

  1. Keep young sking

A practitioner of urine therapy, Sylvia Chandler claim that after decades of drinking her own pee, she got moist and firm skin. She also said that she never visited any doctor from long time since she started to consume her own urine.

  1. Relieve constipation

As a salty liquid, urine can also be used to treat cosntipation. When urine moves toward the intestinal tract, it bind the waste material and it makes bowel movement more easier.

  1. Calming nerve

Urine also contain a hormone called melatonin. Melatonin is normally produced when person going to sleep and it is has calming effect. Drinking a glass of urine regularly can provide this benefits.

Other Benefits to prevent some diseases

It is also reported that some disease can be cured by urine therapy such as :

Stomach CancerOvarian CancerBreast CancerHIV / AIDSDiabetesKidney FailureNephritic SyndromeGall Bladder StonesMotor Neuron DiseaseMuscular DystrophyMental RetardationCerebral PalsyVision, Hearing problem and DeformityAcute Lumbar Spondylosis “A L S”Premenstrual syndrome “P M S”Low Sperms counts & low MotilityAsthmaParalysisUlcerPsoriasisThyroids disorder

Health risk of drinking urine

People with hypertension and with low-salt diet should consider to drink excessive urine since it contain salt. Urea in urine has toxic effect, drink excessive urine may causing some problem and so does the arsenic which may also contained in urine. Still there is no scientific evidence which proved the importance and health effect of drinking urine, but some people consider that drinking urine is just putting more toxic in the body