Back to getting quenched
You will now see the options again to upgrade your account to a premium membership, but you will notice that there are just a couple of options available right now. After many, many conversations with different payment providers, merchant account providers, legal experts and more, we decided that in order to keep YellowH2O a thriving community, we needed to come up with a better plan.
As most of you know, we can’t run the community for free, it’s just not a possibility. We have ads a but we make barely anything from them, as adult ads don’t pay well. We have looked into open sourced options for an ad engine, but the level of effort is quite high. We may come back to that in the future to help keep costs down.
For our Canadians on the site, we now have Interac e-Transfer as a payment option! These are very simple, and if you use any sort of online banking, and have a Canadian bank account, you are set.
This is not an option for people without a Canadian bank account
We have already eluded to this in the past, but cryptocurrency is one of the very few options that we can use that doesn’t rely on any sort of compliance rules or oversight. We actually are running our own private Bitcoin payment server, using BTCPay Server which is completely free and open source. It’s extremely safe and secure, and isn’t nearly as scary as it’s made out to be.
If you already have a digital wallet, and you have enough Bitcoin to cover the upgrade, you are on your way!
If you don’t have a digital wallet, there are many of them out there. Bitpay, Bitbuy, CashApp, and Coinbase wallet are just some of them that we’ve come across. We personally use Coinbase wallet and the Bitpay wallet!
Future payment methods
We do still have a few options that we are hoping to introduce in the coming weeks, but they do require some time for us to get implemented, as we want to make sure whichever avenues we go down, they are ones that are permanent, and won’t be ripped up from under us.
You want to help out more?
We have been asked by a number of people on the site if they can help out more, and we would love that! If you want to donate to the community, let us know and we will give you some options.
Thank you
It goes without saying that this community wouldn’t be what it is today, without the amazing support of each and every one of you! You all make it possible for us to run our community, and we are so happy that we get to be the facilitators of such a thirsty group of studs
We will provide some more updates in the coming days, and hoping some more payment options very soon!
Talk soon,
ANFJock and Jaystorm