My perfect morning

One of these days Ill find a man that wakes me up in the morning just to drink his morning piss, that when I get home from work he would pull down my pants and underwear just to give me a piss enema and a kiss on the cheek, that when Im on our couch watching tv he would spray me, one that when gaming I would go and suck him off, one that when we are partying and drinking he’d bring me to the stalls just to drink his beer piss, one that when dinning at home he would give me a glass straight from the tap, one that understands the urinal whore I want to be and that goes the same for him.

Thats why to remind myself from that fantasy I sometimes use my morning piss to not only have my piss stained underwear, but to have it in my drink, in my food, in me. Just this morning I poured myself a few glasses and with one of then I dipped my buttered up toast, I poured some piss in my scrambled eggs and mixed it piss with the milk on my cereal. After Im done I top it off with my cum just to make sure that I really want it.


ever make oatmeal with your piss?