Want to create an AZ group

Anyone in Arizona? I’m in Tucson. Would love to try to make s once a month meetup happen. I need to be covered in piss so fucking bad…

Me too!!! Luv to start a small local PISSgroup to meet at least 1x/month…wld prefer 1x/week! ANY PISSPIGGS in the New England/New York area??? ME, VT, NH, MA, RI, CT, NY hell even eastern PA. There’s just gotta be PISSPIGGS in so many states. If interests arise…please state if u can host- as that factor seems to be the make or break deal. Would luv to make this a reg thing too…long cold winter cumin up guys…let’s get into a wknd of non-stop PISSPLAY!!! OINK~ Troy (aka PissBoiTroy)

Too bad I’m not up there lmao

Western Mass here. Would love to be a part of a group. I can host sometimes

Wish the F…u were closer…would luv to join a small pissgroup. In fact posted a memo some time ago for New England area…no responses at all…guess there’s no pisspiggs around or just too shy. Think u got a far better chance of a group out ur way than I do. Oink~

I’m east coast but Canada love to join a piss group

Me too…east coast…but in Mass. Seems no locals on this site…

Yeah true still would be fun